ATAK Theater Posters


Theater posters from 2018 and 2019. In order of appearance: ''Madame Bovary'' directed by Zoran Rakočević, and ''Persona'' directed by Stevan Bodroža. Promotional material included small leaflets, which were based on the main visuals. Both plays were produced by alternative theater group ATAK, as a project aimed at developing theatrical life in the north of Montenegro.


Hesitant system - more or less.

A small part of the archive of recent works, mostly from the field of illustration and graphic design. I'm still looking for a more convenient way to equally represent different types of works. On social networks (Facebook, Instagram), the content is updated more regularly. I hope to see you there as well. 🙃️
"Stuck by this river"

I am a member of the illustrator collective Ilustress. I am also part of the FLUID Design Forum team. I live and work in Podgorica, Montenegro, together with my partner, painter and printmaker Milena Vukoslavović.