ELEMENTI Magazine - Speculative Pharmacy

November 2023

It was my pleasure to work on the cover illustration as well as the illustrations for the main thematic article by Pavle Zelić for the 34th issue of the magazine "Elementi." The theme of this issue of the magazine is speculative pharmacy, or "miraculous medicines and psychoactive substances from popular works of science fiction (literature, movies, series, comics)." The promotion of this issue took place at the Belgrade Book Fair on October 28th at the booth of the Center for the Promotion of Science. Speakers at the promotion included Pavle Zelić, Dr. Srđa Janković, Miljan Vasić, and Ivan Umeljić. I want to thank Ivan for the invitation and the opportunity to work on illustrations for this issue of "Elementi" alongside other dear colleagues. Photos from the promotion: Marko Risović.

Hesitant system - more or less.

A small part of the archive of recent works, mostly from the field of illustration and graphic design. I'm still looking for a more convenient way to equally represent different types of works. On social networks (Facebook, Instagram), the content is updated more regularly. I hope to see you there as well. 🙃️
"Stuck by this river"

I am a member of the illustrator collective Ilustress. I am also part of the FLUID Design Forum team. I live and work in Podgorica, Montenegro, together with my partner, painter and printmaker Milena Vukoslavović.