Jelly Fish

July 2020 - Dec 2020

Silkscreen Print
Comic Art

2020 marked the start of a new illustrators' collective called Ilustress. This is the first illustration that I've created as a member of this collective. When I posted it on social media, I wrote that ’’it was good to spend some time on more detailed illustration, with more characters involved. I believe it corresponds well with the still-ongoing (or never-ending) shit show that we continue to witness.’’

Part of the drawing - scanning - redrawing process. From the initial idea of that central motif, to the development of the whole composition. First version didn't even include the crowd of these grotesque characters. After defining central motif, I knew there must be a background to that strange structure.

So after the rough sketch of the gathering, it was time for more detailed definition of each character. Printer and scanner are important for the process. I scan the drawing, then draw vectors over scanned image, then I reprint it and draw over it again. Same goes for defining the shades, which were also drawn in the separate step.

Personally, I didn't know where this illustration would even end up - it was only posted on Facebook / Instagram. At one point, dear friends from Matrijaršija, autonomous cultural center based in Belgrade, decided to print it as a 5-color B2 silkscreen poster. Shown is the process of printing. Illustration didn't really have a title before, so right after printing, we agreed on a bilingual name for the poster: ''Riblja hladetina / Jelly fish''. ''Riblja Hladetina'' could be translated as ''Fish Aspic'' :) Photo source: Matrijaršija

Some photos of the finished print. The crew really did an amazing job with the quality of print and the alignment of all the layers.

Hesitant system - more or less.

A small part of the archive of recent works, mostly from the field of illustration and graphic design. I'm still looking for a more convenient way to equally represent different types of works. On social networks (Facebook, Instagram), the content is updated more regularly. I hope to see you there as well. 🙃️
"Stuck by this river"

I am a member of the illustrator collective Ilustress. I am also part of the FLUID Design Forum team. I live and work in Podgorica, Montenegro, together with my partner, painter and printmaker Milena Vukoslavović.